Calling for the Chief Midwives


There is a decree being sent out by the King of Kings to all the women who will
respond to the command. Yes that’s right, the Lord of Lords is looking for women.
He is looking for women who will stand in the gap for his vision. There is something
in the heart of God that he wants to see come to pass. I believe this letter is speaking
the very heartbeat and mindset of the Almighty God. You see in 1 Samuel 2:35, It
reads, “Then I will raise up priest who shall do according to what is in my heart and
in my mind. I will build him a sure house and he shall walk before my anointed
forever.” This scripture suggests that there is something in the heart and mind of

To properly appropriate this scripture in context, we must understand what was
going on at this time to provoke God to make such a statement. The word “then”
indicates that something was going on beforehand. So I must take a minute to brief
you. This scripture is part of a prophecy given to a priest named Eli concerning his
household. Eli had two sons who were very wicked. God was very displeased with
Eli because he allowed his sons to pervert the house of God.

They lay with the women who served in many of the menial tasks at the entrance of
the tabernacle and made themselves rich with the best of the offering of God’s
people. God was very angry and intolerable to their sins because they caused the
people to transgress. Therefore, God said that he would remove them from
authority over his people and raise up someone who would be committed, devoted,
accountable, and faithful to His vision.

We’re living in a day where everyone in the church has a vision or ministry of his or
her own. I think that’s wonderful because the Word of God does say that where
there is no vision my people perish. However, our vision must be aligned with God’s
vision. It is not a platform to exalt us or show off our abilities, but to reveal the
character and nature of God and to display His abilities through us. Which leads me
to my purpose for writing you.

God has a vision in his heart that he desires to come to pass. It shall come to pass!
Just as in the day of Queen Esther, God desired to bring relief and deliverance to his
people through Esther. The same is with us as women of God today. God has saved
you, filled you with Holy Ghost, and set you apart for times such as this. What
times? Times when our world is in total chaos. The bible calls these times perilous

You see, to the world our situation is an Extremity, but to God it is an Opportunity.
Even though this world is in total disarray, God has a vision and he wants us to see
it, read it, and run with it. What is this vision that God has?
Well, my sisters. God’s vision according to Matthew 16:13-19, is to build Him a
church. In these passages of scriptures, Jesus is asking the disciples, who do men

say that I am? So they responded “some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and the
others, Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” In verse 15, He said to them. “But who do
you say that I am? Verse 16. Peter answered and said you’re the Christ, the son of
the living God. In verse 17, Jesus called Peter blessed (happy, fortunate, to be
envied, empowered to prosper) because he received a revelation or a revealing not
by natural means but by the Holy Spirit of who Jesus really is. God, by the Holy
Spirit enlightened Peter’s spiritual understanding of who Jesus really was.

God’s vision or desire is to build him a church whose foundation is laid on the true
revelation of who Jesus is. Jesus said the church who has a revelation of who He is
will be given the keys (authority) to the kingdom (God’s way of doing things) and
the gates of hell (the power of the kingdom of darkness) will not prevail (overthrow
it) against it. Did you get that? The Church who understands who Jesus is will walk
in authority over all the works of the kingdom darkness. Jesus was releasing his
authority to Peter as a representative of His kingdom.

As his representative, he gave us authority to bind (bidding) and to loose
(permitting) on earth. In other words, we, as the church will be empowered to
continue in the privileged responsibility of leaving the earth with His kingdom
power and provision. For example, if someone is bound by sin, the church can loose
him by preaching the provision of freedom from sin in Jesus Christ. If someone is
bound by or indwelt with a demon, then the church can demand its departure.
We have been given badge of authority in the name of Jesus. That is God’s vision to
build a church that’s walking in the power and dominion of God, not some defeated,
fearful, anemic, and coward church. A church that knows who He is and who they
are in Him; a tongue talking, devil stomping, take charge church. Hallelujah! I said
Hallelujah! Praise God Almighty!

Also, He desires to build a glorious church according to Ephesians chapter 5. A
church that has been sanctified, and cleansed with the word of God that he might
present her to himself glorious not having spot or wrinkle and that she be Holy and
without blemish; a church that’s nourished and cherished by the Lord.

In 2 Corinthians 11:2, Paul called the church that is to be presented as a chaste
virgin. The word, chaste means disciplined. Jesus is coming for a disciplined in
obedience is to be tested with trials. But just as Jesus learned obedience through the
things he suffered we must also. Sisters, we will have trials in life. There is no way
around it. Jesus said in the world you will have much tribulation, but be of good
cheer for he have overcome the world.

The reason that we don’t mature in the things of God is that we’re too busy trying to
figure out why different situations are happening to us when we should be learning
from them. In James 5, James tells us not to act as though something strange has
happened to us, but to count it all joy when we find ourselves in many temptations.

You see there is not a victory unless there is a battle. Let me give you a little bit more
insight on the issue of trials. You see, first of all, the devil has no power because God
has ALL power. Because you are a child of God, the devil can’t do anything to you
without the permission from God. God will not allow anything to happen to you that
is not going to work out for your good. That means that the devil can’t just come in
and wipe you out.

Your trials are divinely orchestrated by God, but not without a cause. In
Deuteronomy 8:2-3, God reveals the reason for you going through trials. It says ,”
and you shall remember that the Lord your God has led you all the way these forty
years in the wilderness to humble you, to test you, to know wht was in your heart,
whether you would keep his commandment or not so He allowed you to hunger, and
fed you with manna that you did not know nor your fathers know that he might
make you to know that man cannot live by bread alone but every word that
proceeds out of the mouth of God.”

Yes you see if the word of God is never tested in your life, how will you ever know
that God is really who he say he is? How would you really know that you will obey
him when you get squeezed? You see when the pressure is on, when the doctor has
given you a bad report, will you still believe God? When there is no money in the
bank, will you still trust God? When your children are acting up, will you still obey
God or will you throw tantrums and justify your disobedience? The bible says that
many afflictions of the righteous, but God will deliver us out of them all.

You need to know that the Word WORKS! In Verse 1, God admonishes them to be
careful to observe all of his commandments in order for them to live, multiply, and
possess, to seize, to occupy, inherit the land that he had promised to give them. Your
trials are a pathway to the possession of your and. The prerequisite is obedience.
There is a glory behind that tragic story if you will walk through it in obedience. You
see God’s vision is to build Him a glorious, mature church that’s walking in dominion
and power. A church that is the head and not the tail(an independent nation). A
church that is above only and not beneath.

The church as it stands is not prepared to meet Jesus. That is why he is looking for
chief midwives to help assist in child-birthing. Chief midwives are those assigned to
assist, be resourceful, to supervise and to serve as a role model to those coming up
under her.

The characteristics of a Chief midwife are:

1. She fears (reverence, afraid , honor) God. In Exodus, Chapter 1, it mentions
two midwives that feared God more than man. These midwives were
commanded by Pharoah to kill all of the male children born to the Hebrew
women at the birthing stool. They were commanded to aid in destroying a
whole nation. But they feared God more (who could destroy their body).
They allowed the males to live. Therefore God dealt well with the midwives and the people multiplied. How many times are we presented with opportunity to choose to obey God rather than man? Who do you obey in these times?

2. She is a woman of Prayer and Fasting. In Luke 2:36, Luke describes the
character of Anna, a prophetess. He describes her as a woman who is
committed to the things of God and his temple. She was an intercessor and a
messenger to the people of God. She exemplified qualities of the anointing
and steadfastness. She walked in moral purity and dedicated service to God.
As a result of her praying and fasting, God revealed Jesus to her and her
intercession shaped and influenced the rising generation. Have you chosen to
dedicate your life to the Lord and to his temple?

3. She is an encourager of Vision. In Genesis 35:16-18, Rachel is about to give
birth to Benjamin. She had a very hard labor. While she was in the middle of
childbirth the midwife encouraged her by instructing her not to be afraid and
that the child will be delivered. As a result of the midwife’s encouragement,
although Rachael died, her son lived.

What would happen if women would get together and encourage each other about
their visions. That would be awesome and we could get a lot done. It is sad to say,
we do not encourage one another because of the demonic spirit of jealousy,
competitiveness, and selfishness.

Instead of holding one another up we slander each other with our tongues and
close-up ours bowels of mercy. We do not realize that if my sister does not complete
her vision then yours cannot be complete because everyone’s vision is intertwined
with God’s ultimate vision and should be aligned with His vision.

It is time for us to stop allowing the devil to se us (women) to tear down the church.
Let’s reverse this story. Lets build the church. After all, God has given you those gifts
to edify, exhort and equip his church. God is building a church that is walking in
unity and marching to the same beat of his drum. Are you an encourager or you a
destroyer of your sister’s vision?

I pray that you will hear and respond rise to pond to the heartbeat of God that I have
shared with you in this letter. You see Jesus is coming whether we are ready or not!
Just Mordecai challenged Esther by saying to her, if you don’t rise to the occasion,
God will still raise up a deliverer on behalf of his people. I charge you today, sister,
will you arise to the occasion. Will you be a vessel that God can use in this last hour
to bring relief and deliverance to his people? Will you be a voice of one crying in the
wilderness preparing the way for the coming of the Lord?

Well you say, Pauline, where must I start? The answer is simply start being obedient
right where you are. No matter what situation you find yourself and decide that
you’re going to fear God. You’re going to give yourself to fasting and praying and be
determined not be discouraged. Sister, say this to yourself, according to Phillipians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. For greater is he who is
in me than he that is in the world. Sisters, I am praying that you will be filled with all the knowledge of God’s will with all wisdom and spiritual understanding. May you continue to multiply in the grace and peace of God. I love you and always praying for you.