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Tag: marriage

Faith, Family, and the Fertility Doctor

by Julia Sadler I’ll always remember my first trip to the fertility doctor. My husband, Ryan, and I sat awkwardly in a waiting ...

True Love Speaks

By Lisa Bevere Walk into most churches nowadays and you will likely hear a message of love, hope, encouragement, and identity. And all...

The Power of Declaring Life Over Your Marriage

By Clayton & Ashlee Hurst We’ve heard it said before that soul mates aren’t born, but created through the trenches of life. Like most couples, as we ...

5 Ways To Prevent Money From Ruining Your Marriage

By Scott & Bethany Palmer Relationships begin with that exhilarating learning curve. We can’t wait to learn all there is to know about this special person. We spend...

10 Keys to a More Fulfilling Marriage

By Rhonda Stoppe The key truth about marriage is that true happiness is not to be found in your relationship with your husband, but in your relationship with Christ. Let’s look at ten key principles to a more...

Why Love Supreme Tastes SO GOOD

By Daniel Fusco In the family I grew up in, food was a love language. They fed those whom they loved. Before I could ride a bike I was digging into spaghetti with garlic and oil or chowing...

Understanding Marriage

By Dr. Gary Chapman As I travel across the country leading marriage seminars, I encounter more and more pastors weeping over broken marriages in their congregations. Their stories have a similar ring: “Our minister of music had...

God’s Expectation for Marriage…

by Rob Green I believe your marriage can be full of blessing. God created marriage, and He called it “very good.” He established order in marriage and explains in His Word how it is to function. When a marriage...

Discuss the Make-Up of an Uncommon Marriage

by Tony & Lauren Dungy People often ask us how we’ve stayed married for more than three decades—an uncommon feat in this day and age. We are the first to say we don’t have it all figured out! We...

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Calling for the Chief Midwives

There is a decree being sent out by the King of Kings to all the women who will respond to the command. Yes that’s right,...

Dangerous Mistrust

  Past Trauma and Unworthiness Prompt Celebrity Hairstylist and Influencer Tracci Johnson to Pen Dangerous Mistrust, A Journey of Deliverance When past...

The Purpose of Womanhood

Purpose driven woman, you've got a lot to do with your destiny! To become a woman of a lifetime, you've got to get up...