From Managing Minutes to Managing Millions


Few people have had the impact on day-to-day management and business growth than Ken Blanchard. He’s the founder and chief spiritual officer of The Ken Blanchard Companies, which is an international management training and consulting firm. He began this company with his wife in 1979 and has grown it into a multi-million dollar enterprise.

Ken is the author of the classic book, The One Minute Manager, which has sold over 13 million copies – and remains on bestseller’s list today. He has written over 60 books and has more than 21 million books and counting! He was inducted into the Amazon Hall of Fame as one of the top 25 best-selling authors of all time.

In this interview, Ken details how you can have greater success in both your personal and your professional endeavors.

  1. Influence not authority is the key to successful leadership. When you influence people, they will do more to reach their goals, and you both grow together.
  2. Be committed. Interested people who exercise and experience a rainy day, will put it off until tomorrow. Committed people will exercise – somehow, someway, each and every day. Even if it means walking around the house or up the stairs in the office building.
  3. None of us are as smart individually as all of us collectively. Therefore, we should be thinking like a team, working like a team, in order to win like a team.
  4. When you catch someone on your team doing something good…celebrate them!
  5. People who feel good about themselves produce greater results.
  6. Leadership begins on the inside. If you are here to serve …you can lead better.
  7. People with humility don’t think less about. themselves, they just think of themselves less.
  8. Clear goals and the power of visualization are critical for success.
  9. The first step to success is to know where you’re going! Then get a clear plan to get there!