I Love Left Overs!


by Dr. Stacey L. Spencer

How can I set this before a hundred men? His servant asked. But Elisha answered, “Give it to the people to eat. For this is what the Lord says, “They will eat and have some left over (2 Kings 4:43).”

Sometimes, the best food is something you had left over from a previous meal. You may have been too full to really appreciate it the first time but now you are ready to enjoy what you have left over. Also, when your finances are limited, left overs are a welcome sight. Knowing you have left overs ensures that you will eat another day.

There are times in all of our lives when we wonder if we will have anything left over after we pay our bills, after we do ministry, or after we feed the people. Our resources are limited yet we have a daunting task in front of us that requires faith when it looks like we are not going to have enough to go around.

Elisha had 100 people to feed with only 20 loaves of bread. He asked his servant to feed the people. The servant did what many of us would have done. He looked at the people and what he had to work with and asked, “How can I set this before a hundred men?” How can I make this last until the end of the month? How can I do that on this budget?!

Elisha’s servant was faced with a dilemma we all can identify with. He had a great demand with little resources to respond. What did he do?

1. He did what his man of God told him to do. He followed the instructions of God’s representative. When God speaks to you through his messenger you have the choice to do what they say or ignore it. It is only in the doing of the word that we receive the blessing.

2. He fed the people. The limited resources were used to help hungry people. God shows up when we use our resources to help people in need. We run out faster when we are greedy and use it on ourselves.

3. God will give the increase. The miracle of multiplication only occurs after we do what God tells us to do. It would be great if he did it before but the test of our faith is that God doesn’t multiply until we use up what we didn’t think we had.

4. God will give you left overs! Not only will God feed 100 people off of 20 loaves of bread but he will give you left overs from limited resources. He will give you something to live on after the mission is complete.

Dear God, Please give us increase as we feed your people. We need a miracle in our finances to do what you told us to do and we believe that when we do, we will have something left over!

In Jesus Name, Amen.